Archive for June 2014
Which type of trust is the best option for asset protection
Protection of one’s assets is a concern of many residents of Nevada; however, deciding on the most effective way to do that may cause confusion. Individuals who are considering asset protection may want to make use of the advice of financial advisors before deciding whether a will and durable power of attorney will be sufficient,…
Read MoreEstate planning includes sharing information with the family
It is not uncommon for couples to allocate the responsibility of family finances to one spouse. This arrangement is often present when one spouse has a financial career. Nevada readers may agree that this could work well; however, when that spouse unexpectedly loses his or her life, the remaining spouse may be placed in an…
Read MoreEstate planning also essential for young people without children
Nevada residents may agree that death is a subject typically avoided. It remains an unpleasant subject for discussion; however, times have changed, and more people have substantial assets at a younger age. Hence, it is no longer wise to wait until one reaches middle age to consider estate planning. The future is not ours to…
Read MoreEstate planning needs occasional reviews to keep it current
Nevada residents who have done their estate planning some time ago may remember it as a tedious and time-consuming task. However, not reviewing it at regular intervals may result in some of the documents becoming outdated and no longer in compliance with current laws. Life changes may have occurred that may bring about necessary adjustments,…
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